Ontario Wedding Social at 2251 Rymal Road East: Vicars Vice, Stoney Creek.
Please remember to call my mom (Sandra, 905-692-5051) or my sister (Sandy, 519-967-9665 ext. 3) on or before July 12th to let them know if you will be attending our Ontario Wedding Social. Dinner will be on us and we hope to have great weather so that we can be out on the patio. Please arrive at 6:15pm, dinner will start at 6:45pm or so.
If you have any special dietary restrictions, please let us know.
Dress: No ties needed, but a nice shirt would be lovely (gents), a sundress or something classy but not a ball gown (for the ladies).
To our wedding party: Please call my mom or Sand also and let us know if you are bringing a guest!
We can't wait to see you!
xox Johnny and Sylvy