Face Painting-Free
Backyard Games-Free
Admittance-$10 or 2 for $18 (each ticket counts as one ticket for the gift basket raffle)
Children and dogs-Free
Volley-ball serving game-.50 per ball
Pick up beach volley-ball included in your admittance fee (2 courts all day long)
Raffle Tickets: Gift baskets, gift certificates etc. ($10 for an arms length). Prizes include wine and cheese gift baskets, Cadbury gift basket, The Healing Sol gift certificates, Cambridge Athletics gift bags, SPORTO Athletics gift basket, Sparkle N' Shine Cleaning Services, Desire: The International U2 Tribute Band, Off Limit Sports gift certificate, Sherwood Painting & Renovations, Ferrero Rocher gift basket, Paula's Home Daycare, Grace's Goodies gift certificate, TLM Custom Cleaning gift basket and more!
Beer Fridge or Wine Fridge filled with booze (We haven't decided on the type of fridge yet): $10/ticket or 3 for $20 (value will be $200+)
BBQ: Assorted meats and veggies
Bar: Assorted beverages including beer, sports drinks, water, coolers
Gates open at 2pm and we will go until around 11pm!
Please bring a lawn chair and your party game :)